Friday, May 16, 2014


So here I was all packed and ready to go. Now, please understand, that when I say "ready to go" I mean that I will still be doing something literally until I leave for the airport and then....well then I'm still doing something: I'm going to the airport. You see what I mean don't you? Look, chances are that if you're reading this then you're at least a Facebook friend and God knows that means you know me well right?!? Yeah, exactly.

An afternoon flight on United Airlines, bought and paid for long ago, had me boarding at about 2pm for Newark, NJ to then catch my second flight in the evening to Malpensa Airport in Milan, Italy. The game plan intended for me to meet up with my friend Robi, two days of good wine and rest, hop on British Airways to London, and then again to Chengdu, China. Are you still with me? Good.


The air was cut like a butter knife through ice as I began to read the text that had just chimed in my iPhone:

UA3813 to Newark on May 16 is cancelled due to air traffic control. Please visit or contact us for assistance.

Ok, I'm a seasoned traveller, it's just an inconvenience, I mean, I'm just trying to go from Rochester to Newark, I'm not trying to hitch a ride to the space station. "Do as they say" I say and with one tap I'm exactly where they said I should be. Hmmm uhmmm errrrr ahhhhh say WHAT????? Oh yes, I see, they were kind enough to book my replacement flight, one slight's for SUNDAY. Now, for those that have never flown across the big pond, you leave here one day and you get there the next. Monday, yes Monday I would therefore be on a United flight to Italy not on a British Airways flight to China. Are you starting to feel a little teeny bit of my pain? Please say yes, traveling through the abyss can be so lonely.

Contact us for assistance. Yes, that would be the next step, then I get that message, you know the one...the one that tells you how long I'll be on hold. 60 minutes. No, not the expected wait. Armed with two phones on hold, don't hold it against me, I was just trying to double my chances, I contemplate going to the airport and get face to face with a humanoid. Alas, before I make a decision, Andrew from Customer Service pipes in. Let me say this right now, Andrew was GREAT!. And after a bit of doing, he finds me a flight backwards(to Chicago) to go forward. Except forward now wasn't going to be such a straight line. My direct flight from Newark to Milan became my flight from Chicago to Munich to Milan. Ok....I'll take it, it's better than getting there on Monday. Off to the airport I go for my 6:28pm flight would connect me with my 9:30pm flight on Lufthansa to Munich and Dolomite Airlines to Milan.  


Check a bag, get a full lat down at security and I'm on my way. Or am I? Another text:

Your 6:28pm flight to Chicago is delayed. UA4263 now departs Rochester 8:40pm and arrives 9:32pm. 

Too late. Back to the drawing board and on the phone, this time it would be Rob from Customer Service. The next hour was spent trying every major city from Chicago to Houston to Boston to Miami and between. Through Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Belgium. I suggested every city I would have to spend the night in where I had friends I could party with, ever the eternal glass have full attitude. Try as we may it wasn't to be, so back home I came where I now write from until tomorrow when I will fly to Chicago and a 12.5 hour weight for my flight to Munich and Milan. I will call to tomorrow DAY 1A OF A MONTH LONG TRIP.


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